Friday, June 22, 2007

MEME: 8 Random Facts about Me

well Michelle tagged me in her
so I decided since I finished my lab early and have a few hours to wait before lab lecture (yes Fridays are fun) I'd actually answer it. First the rules:

For this meme, each player lists 8 facts/habits about themselves. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning before those facts/habits are listed. At the end of the post, the player then tags 8 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog

Fact #1: I'm completely NEUROTIC!! I know this doesn't come as a surprise to most of you but I thought it was important. I worry about the stupidest things...and I spend WAY too much time on it. My therapist calls it yeah...i'm a ruminator. like the terminator but not.

Fact #2: I'm going to be a doctor...well someday. I'm in the post bac pre med program at UVA right now...meaning I'm completely insane. Taking Chemistry, Physics, Organic Chemistry, and Biology plus all their labs in one year...yeah...absolutely NUTS!! Between chemistry, chemistry lab, and chemistry lecture I have no life.

Fact #3: Science is not my forte. Sad to say...especially considering fact number 2. But it's a great opportunity for me to grow in humility and hopefully holiness. God created science...He can teach it to me right?

Fact #4: I'm really starting to like living alone and living in silence. When I first moved into my apartment I got a CD player b/c the silence freaked me out. I never turn it on now. Weird, but true. I don't actually spend a lot of time in my apartment but the time I Do spend there is done in silence.

Fact #5: I REALLY like HUGS!!! One of my favorite things...that and holding babies. All is right with the world when you see that person you really care about and get a nice big hug. I don't think we hug enough in the world...I'm not getting any hugs these maybe I'm turning into an UN hugger. Which would be sad.

Fact #6: I first started doing mission work when I was 14. My first mission trip was to Jamaica my sophomore year of high school with my church. My parents went too...our whole team went to visit the Bob Marley Museum...and I had to ask what that funny smell in the air was (oh how naive). My first cold showers were there..and I was hooked.

Fact #7: I am in love with Honduras. My heart is there...and I wouldn't be the person that I am (albeit strange one that I am) without Honduras. It feels like Honduras was a lifetime ago...not just two months. But so much has happened...about a semester of chemistry actually.

Fact #8: I don't like wearing shoes. I have some cute shoes but my feet just feel so constricted in them now. I only wear flip-flops. Sad but true...I've pretty much changed my wardrobe since Honduras...jeans, tshirts, and flip-flops. I don't know what I'm going to do when winter comes...but I still have a few months.

Sorry if none of those were very deep. My brain is pretty fried from have a 2 hour summary of quantum chemistry physics stuff this morning...nothing better for humility than quantum physics...oh and I'm not tagging anyone because everyone I know who has a blog (all four people) has already done this. Sorry!

1 comment:

Hinckley said...

I love it!!! Thanks for playing, Jenny. I hope it was a mini stress-reliever. Keep up the good work. Love, Michelle