Thursday, May 15, 2008

PRAISE GOD!! final grade count

well for anyone who is keeping track...I must share on my blog because this is just the fulfillment of all that I have prayed for this year (well almost all...kicking butt on the MCAT will be all). Anyway, my final grades for the semester are in and God's faithfullness is clearly seen!!

Organic Chemistry : A+ (quimica organica)
Biology : A (biologia)
Biology Lab : A (laboratorio de biologia)
Physics: A (fisica)
Physics Lab : A- (laboratorio de fisica)

My GPA for this semester is 3.977!!! I promise I'm not saying any of this to gloat...I just really need to rejoice that all my hard work has paid off!! PRAISE GOD!!!! Now off to study for the MCAT!!

solo estaba diciendo mis notas finales...y alabando a Dios!! No estoy tratando de parecer llena de gloria para mi misma...solo estoy contandoles porque estoy TAN agradedcida a Dios! Todo mi trabajo vale la pena ya!! Bueno tengo que irme y estudiar!

oh...and here are some pics...mothers day with the fam and the cutest baby in the world.

(aqui son algunas fotos...dia del madre con mi familia...y el bebe mas lindo en todo el mundo!!)


Ashley Z said...

Yay! Congratulations Jenny!!!

María Victoria Puerto Hernández said...

Felicidades!! Que nototas!! :) un abrazo!

Etelvina Hernandez said...

Yo sabia, que he hiba a ir bien, y vos sabes, estoy muy alegre de tus logros, comparto tu alegria o satisfaccion.
Te quiero