Friday, October 17, 2008


Well I have GREAT news!! God is faithful (big surprise)!!! I received my first medical school admission yesterday. This is really remarkable because Wednesday was the first day that they could send out acceptances and mine was postmarked before that. So they actually want me to go to school there!! PRAISE JESUS!!! So, as of right now I have been accepted to Louisiana State University -New Orleans!!

I really liked LSU-NO when I visited. As of now I have interviewed at LSU-NO, Tulane, and Loyola Chicago. I'm going to interview at Georgetown, New York Medical College, and Eastern Virginia Medical School. The most exciting thing is that the burden has been lifted!!! I'm GOING TO MEDICAL SCHOOL!!!


ayer recibi mi entrada a la Universidad de medicina!!! Tengo algunas intervistas todavia pero lo mas importante es que ya se que voy a ser doctora!!! GRACIAS A DIOS!! GLORIA A DIOS!!!

y gracias por sus oraciones!!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

i miss Honduras

I miss Honduras. I miss Honduras so much it hurts sometimes. Last week I was picking out pictures to put in my office. As I began to go through my pictures of Honduras a wave of sadness flowed over me. I sat in my closet flipping through 2 years of my life feeling like it was a lifetime ago. As I flipped I saw friends, family, and joy greater than I had ever known....and I began to cry. I sat in my closet for close to 45 minutes crying and praying. Some days I wonder what I'm doing here...some days I just want to run back to Honduras where life had joy, and purpose...where I was close to God. Yet I know that I'm supposed to be here. But it's hard...I feel like I'm losing myself and worse yet..>I'm losing God!! I miss Honduras so much it hurts!! I miss who I was when I was there and I miss the joy I had.
Things here are so difficult and so depressing. With this new economic crisis and the upcoming election for president in the US I fear that it really is the end of the world. As much as I fear all of that I look forward to it at the same time. I see the world around me and I pray "maranatha" or "come quickly Lord Jesus". I know things were complicated in Honduras...but they were complicated in such a different way. I don't know...maybe I'm just discouraged...all I know is that I miss Honduras.

Pray for I do for you. Together may we arrive in heaven!!