Monday, October 6, 2008

i miss Honduras

I miss Honduras. I miss Honduras so much it hurts sometimes. Last week I was picking out pictures to put in my office. As I began to go through my pictures of Honduras a wave of sadness flowed over me. I sat in my closet flipping through 2 years of my life feeling like it was a lifetime ago. As I flipped I saw friends, family, and joy greater than I had ever known....and I began to cry. I sat in my closet for close to 45 minutes crying and praying. Some days I wonder what I'm doing here...some days I just want to run back to Honduras where life had joy, and purpose...where I was close to God. Yet I know that I'm supposed to be here. But it's hard...I feel like I'm losing myself and worse yet..>I'm losing God!! I miss Honduras so much it hurts!! I miss who I was when I was there and I miss the joy I had.
Things here are so difficult and so depressing. With this new economic crisis and the upcoming election for president in the US I fear that it really is the end of the world. As much as I fear all of that I look forward to it at the same time. I see the world around me and I pray "maranatha" or "come quickly Lord Jesus". I know things were complicated in Honduras...but they were complicated in such a different way. I don't know...maybe I'm just discouraged...all I know is that I miss Honduras.

Pray for I do for you. Together may we arrive in heaven!!

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