Sunday, October 14, 2007

Etel's here!! - Etel esta!

Hey everyone...thanks for your prayers. Praise God Etel arrived safely in Louisiana last weekend. Although she didn't know it at the time I had a break from school monday and tuesday and was able to fly down and surprise her at the airport. Alyson, my parents, and I drove to New Orleans and met her. It was wonderful to see her. Sunday my parents and I went to mass with Etel and we went to go visit Mike the tiger at LSU (GO TIGERS)! Monday, Etel and I went to the convent where my father works and the nursing home where she's going to be volunteering. I had to leave for virginia tuesday, but Praise God we had a great visit!! It was such a blessing to see and spend time with Aly and Etel. I continue to thank God for their presence in my life.

Well I'm back here in Charlottesville, studying, and preparing for more exams. God's grace continues to be prevalent...I'm shadowing a wonderful Catholic doctor who is a great example for me. She is a wife, mother, and a doctor, and big surprise she has a devotion to St. Gianna!! God is good...I met with fr. brian (the priest at my parish) on Friday to talk about spiritual direction and we're going to meet again in a few weeks. Please pray for our discernment about God's will! I have to run and study...but I'm praying for you all.

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