Monday, November 12, 2007

diving in...

well so much has been going on since my last post. Classes are going well...for the most part. It looks like I'm only going to get 2 A's which kinda sucks but God's in charge. I'm continuing to plod along. I've been out of town almost every weekend for the last month. In Virginia Beach all 3 times. First for Kelli Esposito's baby shower, then the missioners desumo weekend, and this past weekend for the St.Greg's anniversary dinner dance (this picture is from that dinner).

This morning I was up at 6:15am to head into surgery. I watched cardio-thoracic surgery for the last 8 hours and it was INCREDIBLE!! I really enjoyed myself. Everyone was extremely friendly and I know now more than ever that I'm supposed to go into medicine. Please continue to pray for my perseverance. I'm pretty burned out with school and finding it hard to make myself study. But this morning/afternoon was PHENOMENAL!!

On the other list of miracles...I'll update on what St.Gianna is continuing to do in my life. As most of you know I have a devotion to St. Gianna, she picked me 2 years ago when I first entered the missioners chapel in Honduras (although I didn't even know she was there). Well I started shadowing this amazing catholic doctor here in Charlottesville, who I found through the parish bulletin. She (surprise surprise) also has a huge devotion to ST. Gianna. She has been an amazing mentor and Friday afternoons are my favorite time of the week. This being said, I went to work last Friday and she told me she had a surprise for me. A friend of hers had just gone to Rome, she had told her about me and my devotion to St. Gianna. and this friend brought me a RELIC OF ST> GIANNA!!! yes, I'm serious. To get even weirder, this friend of hers (who I have never met) is actually someone I should have met. In August, when I felw to michigan for my Godbaby's baptism, I met this woman on a plane and we began talking. It turns out her daughter is a parishoner at my parish. She gave me her name and told me to contact her (which i never did). This woman's daugher is the same person who brought me my relic!!! I KNOW>>>GOD IS SO GOOD!! Anyway, I have to run. I have to read organic chemistry now. I love you all and am praying for you!! God bless!

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