Thursday, March 27, 2008

Easter./ Pascua

here are a few photos from easter...God has been so wonderful to bless me with friends here!! :)

(apparently blue was the color of the evening too...I promise we didn't plan that!!)

aqui son algunas fotos de pascua....gracias a Dios para mis amigos aqui!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

the evil of our age...

It seems only appropriate during this most holy time of the year that so many evil things should be happening. I feel as though God is revealing to me more and more the evils and desperation of our society. Yesterday, I had a medical "ethics" class for my program. We began by discussing the rules and regulations regarding what are the requirements for consent and informed consent. For example, in the eyes of the law any person under 18 is not considered capable of making informed medical decisions in any area except one...guess what that is...YUP reproductive rights. I sat in class sickened and perturbed as my professor lauded the confidentiality of children and that it's good they feel safe to be treated for reproductive issues without worrying about their parents. Basically, a 14 year old is not considered capable of deciding whether or not she wants a flu shot (that procedure requires parental consent) but she can be treated for an STD or recieve an abortion without her parents knowledge. DOES THIS STIKE ANYONE ELSE AS COMPLETELY STUPID??? How dare we say that someone who we do not deem capable of medical decisions such as flu shots is capable of making decisions about their sex life. I don't even have the words to express how frustrating and saddening this whole issue is for me.
To top it off there is great controversy right now because the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists issued a statement from their ethics board saying that it was essentially unethical for physicians to refuse to refer patients to another doctor for a procedure they do not morally agree with. Basically, if they were king, all doctors would either have to perform abortions and prescribe birth control, etc. or refer their pts to someone else, or risk losing certification.Therefore, we are responsible for helping others in their autonomous decisions, regardless of whether or not helping them goes agains our moral and ethical code.
This is a particularly interesting part of the NPR article,( I have the actual statement from the ACOG but wont' bore you by posting it here ).

"At issue is an opinion released in November by the ACOG ethics committee. Among other things, it says physicians "have the duty to refer patients in a timely manner to other providers if they do not feel they can in conscience provide the standard reproductive services that patients
Ob/Gyn Wendy Chavkin of Columbia University welcomes the new AGOG ethics statement. She's the immediate past chairwoman of Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health.
"It says that if a physician has a personal belief that deviates from evidence-based standards of care they have to tell the patient that, and that they do have a duty to refer patients in a timely fashion if they do not feel comfortable providing a given service," Chavkin says.
She says it isn't just about abortion, but also about things like emergency contraception — high doses of regular birth control pills that can prevent pregnancy in most cases if taken within 72 hours. She points to a scenario in which a woman has been raped and shows up at the only health care facility in her area.
"And she comes upon some doctor who thinks that emergency contraception is the equivalent of abortion, which is incorrect, but nonetheless what this individual believes," Chavin says. "What this ACOG statement is saying is she should not be deprived of something that's needed right away to take care of her emergency situation."
It appears that this will not be a part of board certification (which is good) but is still the perspective of the ethics committe of the OBGYNs. Here's what the head said

"We do not restrict access to our exams for anyone applying for initial certification, or maintenance of certification, based on whether they do or do not perform an abortion," Gant
said. "We do not base this upon whether they do or do not refer patients to an abortion provider if they do not choose to do abortions."
Gant said he dictated a letter back to Leavitt to that effect Wednesday. He added that the
board has long respected the fact that its members disagree on the abortion issue — more than a decade ago it removed abortion from the list of cases to be used in oral exams.
On the other hand, Gant, himself an Ob/Gyn, said he personally had no problem with the November ethics statement, particularly the idea that Ob/Gyns should be ethically bound
to provide contraception. "

My professor, by the way, agrees with this decision. He thinks that no one has the right to keep someone else from their "clinically proven good". By the way, there is NO proof that abortions are good for people. convenient perhaps...but NOT good. I think all of us can safely say that a lot of evidence is showing that abortions are in face BAD for women!! (big surprise) and if you wont' go that far...they are to say the least...not considered a medical necessity, right, nor benefical. (eg. it's not like using a respirator for someone who can't breathe). In very few circumstances, is an abortion actually a life or death decision,...more often than not it is convenience.

And then there's this woman in France who was suffering from a horrible disease that disfigured her face and caused her great pain. She petitioned the french government for the right to have her doctor help her die. She didn't want to die slowly in a forced coma and suffer. The slowly part, means it would have taken her 2 weeks to die (not really that long of time) and in a coma because that is what we do to patients with horrible suffering. We drug them up so that they're not really there and they die peacefully. I personally, do not have a problem with this method, patients die without expediting the process. Basically, this woman wanted to have someone help her take her life because she didn't want to suffer. The courts rejected her appeal and petition, and she died last night. They are investigating the causes right now.

This is my problem, and this is why I think it's appropriate that I'm experiencing this during lent...we've forgotten the value of suffering. Admittedly, I am not in that woman's position, but the joy of believing and the joy of catholicism is that there is purpose in the suffering. Jesus suffered horribly, but there was a reason. We are so eager to kill our unborn children so that we don't suffer the inconvenience of being pregnant or raising a child we're not ready for. We help people to die because we dont' want them to suffer. Pope John Paul the great was a perfect witness of how suffering should be seen, he suffered greatly from his parkinsons but did not falter in his belief that he would die when it was his time to die. We are trying to play God, trying to live lives of convenience and without suffering. But that is not what life is about...God has not promised us that we wouldn't suffer...he promised us that we would suffer with a purpose of purification. What if that woman in France had decided, "you know what...this is going to suck but I'm going to offer up all this suffering I'm enduring for the salvation or souls and for my children". WOW>..wouldn't that have been a powerful intercession for her children...for the world. Moreover, who are we as humans to decide who the Lord, the God of all creation, wants to die and when He wants them to die?? that's not OUR decision!!

I am just so baffled by what we value as a what we permit in the name of "good" and "justice". We take birth control and allow our 14 year olds to seek medical treatment for reproductive issues independently because we believe in every one's autonomy...such a world of relativism. WE don't want to suffer or inconvenience anyone. But the truth is, that as Christians, as catholics we have a responsibility to speak out as Jesus himself did, against the relativism and sins of our day and age. I am seeing so clearly the depravity of our society...we have kicked God and truth out of every corner and angle...That is why our society is falling apart...husbands and wives are no longer inviting God to unite them, and marriages are crumbling in divorce. Parent's aren't watching their children, and we as a society are helping their children to escape accountability on so many actions by protecting their "rights". Doctors, lawyers, politicians, we have all fallen into the Devils' trap of individualism and "freedom". The irony is that all this "freedom" has made us slaves of evil and sin. The more I realize all this the more I am saddened, sickened, and frustrated...Our society is blind to the truth...It makes me think of the scripture from 1Timothy 4:1-5

"I charge thee in the sight of God, and of Christ Jesus, who shall judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: 2 preach the word; be urgent in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with all long suffering and teaching. 3 For the time will come when they will not endure the sound doctrine; but, having itching ears, will heap to themselves teachers after their own lusts; 4 and will turn away their ears from the truth, and turn aside unto fables. 5 But be thou sober in all things, suffer hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfil thy ministry." - 1 Timothy 4:1-5

That time is upon us...we have left behind sound doctrine and have embraced our own desires...pray that we all may have the courage to remain strong in the truth and may learn to offer our sufferings for the salvation of souls!! The good news is that the resurrection is Real!! and that after the suffering and tribulations of Good Friday will come the resurrection of Easter Sunday. Pray we may remain strong and fight the good fight to the end!

please forgive the diatribe...I needed to get that off my chest.

Praise be Jesus Christ...Now and Forever!!!

Monday, March 17, 2008

something for Holy week

"We are not required to sacrifice young bulls or rams, beasts with horns, and hoofs that are more dead than alive and devoid of felling; but instead, let us join the choirs of angels in offering God upon his heavenly altar a sacrifice of praise. We must now pass through the first veil and approach the second, turning our eyes toward the Holy of Holies. I will say more: we must sacrifice ourselves to God, each day and in everything we do, accepting all that happens to us for the sake of the Word, imitating his passion by our sufferings, and honoring his blood by shedding our own. We must be ready to be crucified.

If you are a Simon of Cyrene, take up your cross and follow Christ. If you are crucified beside him like one of the thieves, now, like the good thief, acknowledge your God. For your sake, and because of your sin, Christ himself was regarded as a sinner; for his sake, therefore, you must cease to sin. Worship him who was hung on the cross because of you, even if you are hanging there yourself. Derive some benefit from the very shame; purchase salvation with your death. Enter paradise with Jesus, and discover how far you have fallen. Contemplate the glories there, and leave the other scoffing thief to die outside in his blasphemy.

If you are a Joseph of Arimathea, go to the one who ordered his crucifixion, and ask for Christ's body. Make your own expiation for the sins of the whole world. If you are a Nicodemus, like the man who worshiped God by night, bring spices and prepare Christ's body for burial. If you are one of the Marys, or Salome, or Joanna, weep in the early morning. Be the first to see the stone rolled back , and even the angels perhaps, and Jesus himself."
- St. Gregory Nazianzen

this just stuck me the other day...I hope you enjoy it as well. Happy holy week...may this last week draw all of you even closer to the wounded hearts of Jesus and Mary, and may this upcoming Easter season bring you all renewal and joy!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

MCAT date change/ Cambia de mi fecha de MCAT

it's official...this morning I changed my MCAT date to June 13th. I've spent a lot of time thinking and praying about this and I know that God and the blessed Mother will still bless me even if I don't take the MCAT on May 31st. I just don't feel ready and decreasing my anxiety right now is a top priority. So, on Friday June 13th (yes I know it's friday the 13th) at 8am CST I'll be taking the MCAT. I ask please for your prayers as I continue to prepare for this, and especially on the 13th of June. I'll be taking it in Baton Rouge so I'll get to stay in my own bed the night before and have my parents and friends with me when it's over. I'll be posting and sending a novena right before the exam that I invite all of you who wish to pray with me. (I need all the grace and assistance possible) Please continue to pray for me, as I do for all of you! God bless!

es oficial...este manana yo cambie la fecha para mi examen de entrada el MCAT. Yo pense y reze mucho sobre este decision y no estoy lista ahora, quiero los 2 semanas mas de preparame. Entonces, my fecha nueva es 13 de Junio. Por favor, si pueden rezar MUCHISIMO para este examen...tengo mucho anxiedad sobre esto y se que necesicito subir esto antes que puedo tomar el examen. Voy a tomarlo en Baton Rouge para que puedo estar con mis padres y amigos despues del examen...creo es un poco menos estress...todavia...porfavor rezan para mi. voy a poner aqui en mi blog, y enviar de correo electronico una novena para mi MCAT si uds quieren rezar la novena con migo seria excelente. Y yo sigo rezando para uds.! Les Quiero mucho! Que Dios les bendiga!!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Renewed- Renovada

I was blessed enough to spend the last 6 days in New York on my spring Break. I arrived saturday morning and etel picked me up from the airport. We were able to hang out at St. Elizabeth's (the volunteer house where she lives) before taking some of their youth to the catholic underground. Then Sunday we slept in before going with Fr. Christopher to the staten Island ferry. Monday morning I met the Hickleys at the Natural History Museum (my biology classes finally came in handy...and I was able to explain to Juan Pablo who eat's what and how) followed by First Vows for some of the friars (and getting to see my two favorite sisters Sister Maria Teresa Hellberg and Sr. Theresa Magdalene Wallyn). And a bunch of other people...then Tuesday and Wednesday were just hanging out with Michelle and the kids. Each morning a little voice and a little hand attached to head would pop it's way into my room and invitably someone would be in my bed to cuddle with me. It was a wonderful week!!

All in all, I had a wonderful break, spiritually and emotionally I feel renewed. For the first time in a long time there were people who SAW me...really saw me for who I am. It was a week full of spiritual conversations and spiritual direction (even if it wasn't intended to be). I am SO grateful to God for having given me such amazing friends!! I feel so renewed and ready to keep going in my studies!! There aren't even words to explain just how much I needed this week and just how much God did through so many people...PRAISE HIM!!

Entonces, fui a Nueva York para mi break. Llegue Sabado y Etel me recogio del aerpuerto. Descansemos por un rato y despues fuimos con algunos de los jovenes con quien trabajan los voluntarios, a catholic underground. Fue excelente!!! Domingo descansemos y despues fuimos con padre cristobol a staten island ferry. Lunes yo fui con los hinckleys al museo y despues al primeros votos de los frailes. Martes, Miercoles, y hoy solo paseando con Michelle y sus hijos. Fue excelentisimo!!

Por la primera vez en meses tenia personas con quien pudira hablar y compartir...personas quien me vean pasear con amigos y hablar con los renovo...siento como puedo seguir y terminar....Gracias a Dios por este tiempo!! ALABENLO!!