Thursday, March 6, 2008

Renewed- Renovada

I was blessed enough to spend the last 6 days in New York on my spring Break. I arrived saturday morning and etel picked me up from the airport. We were able to hang out at St. Elizabeth's (the volunteer house where she lives) before taking some of their youth to the catholic underground. Then Sunday we slept in before going with Fr. Christopher to the staten Island ferry. Monday morning I met the Hickleys at the Natural History Museum (my biology classes finally came in handy...and I was able to explain to Juan Pablo who eat's what and how) followed by First Vows for some of the friars (and getting to see my two favorite sisters Sister Maria Teresa Hellberg and Sr. Theresa Magdalene Wallyn). And a bunch of other people...then Tuesday and Wednesday were just hanging out with Michelle and the kids. Each morning a little voice and a little hand attached to head would pop it's way into my room and invitably someone would be in my bed to cuddle with me. It was a wonderful week!!

All in all, I had a wonderful break, spiritually and emotionally I feel renewed. For the first time in a long time there were people who SAW me...really saw me for who I am. It was a week full of spiritual conversations and spiritual direction (even if it wasn't intended to be). I am SO grateful to God for having given me such amazing friends!! I feel so renewed and ready to keep going in my studies!! There aren't even words to explain just how much I needed this week and just how much God did through so many people...PRAISE HIM!!

Entonces, fui a Nueva York para mi break. Llegue Sabado y Etel me recogio del aerpuerto. Descansemos por un rato y despues fuimos con algunos de los jovenes con quien trabajan los voluntarios, a catholic underground. Fue excelente!!! Domingo descansemos y despues fuimos con padre cristobol a staten island ferry. Lunes yo fui con los hinckleys al museo y despues al primeros votos de los frailes. Martes, Miercoles, y hoy solo paseando con Michelle y sus hijos. Fue excelentisimo!!

Por la primera vez en meses tenia personas con quien pudira hablar y compartir...personas quien me vean pasear con amigos y hablar con los renovo...siento como puedo seguir y terminar....Gracias a Dios por este tiempo!! ALABENLO!!

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