Saturday, August 22, 2009

New Beginnings

So this will be pretty short since I really need to be studying right now.

I'M IN MEDICAL SCHOOL!!!!Still a little surreal to believe that I'm really here and really doing this. We (my parents and I) left Baton Rouge at the end of July and drove to Columbus. ON the way up we stopped in Indianapolis to see my cousins, and aunt and uncle. My cousin brought her sons who happen to be my Godsons. They are BEAUTIFUL. We went to a fair and had a great time. They are wonderful and lovely children and my cousin and her husband are wonderful parents. Also on the God child front, my brother and his wife are expecting their first child any day now(please keep them in your prayers) and they've asked me to be her Godmother. I'm privileged and excited about this. The only disadvantage is that my final anatomy exam is scheduled for the day after the baptism but I know God will provide.

So back to medical school...orientation was the week of August 10th and included my white coat ceremony. For those of you who don't know medical students have short white coats while doctors have long white coats. Getting the white coat is a big rite of passage that signifies your entrance into the medical community. It's very exciting and very awe inspiring.

Classes themselves started this week. I'm taking anatomy, embryology, and CAPS (Clinical Aspects of Physician Sciences- or something like that). CAPS is basically how to take physical exams, do History of Present Illness, intubate, etc. The other exciting news is that 25 people were chosen randomly to do a clinical correlates of surgery during anatomy and I was one of them (out of 150 or so people). So far I'm really enjoying that part and it's not graded. Basically each week a different surgery specialty comes in and shows us how to do common operations on cadavers. This week was a general introduction where we learned how to tie surgical knots and throw stitches. Next week is orthopedics and we're doing a hip replacement. It's nice to be so hands on.

It's hard to believe I finished my first week of school yesterday- it already feels like I've been here forever. I'm quite overwhelmed and nervous about my ability to do this but I keep telling myself that God Himself has brought me here and is going to guide me. I really think getting that surgical correlates class (which I prayed so hard to get) is yet another sign of His divine providence. That being said I already feel behind in my classes and frequently wonder how in the world I'm going to keep up.

I also cringe b/c my faith life is suffering. I'm not making it to daily mass b/c I'm in class from 7:30 to 12:30 and the only night mass is EXTREMELY unorthodox. Lord have mercy on me!! The good news is that my friends in Charlottesville, VA have set me up with one of the local Dominican priests at my parish here. Fr. Tom used to be in Cville back in the day. He came over and blessed my apartment on Thursday and is so lovely and easy to talk to. He really made me feel welcome here and I've asked him to be my spiritual director. GOD IS SO GOOD!! These are things I've been praying about. I've also decided to help with the special needs CCD class that they've started at St. Pa tricks. It's only 2 hours on the weekends and I think it will be good for me. Plus, I've found perpetual adoration here in town- now I just need to go.

So in short...the Lord is providing for me here. This should come as no surprise but it is still somewhat of one for me. Because of my wretched sinfulness I am so fearful and anxious. Please pray for me- that God may heal me of my anxiety. Right now I'm just trying to keep my head above water. It's only the first week of school and I already feel behind and stupid most of the time. I knew there would be people smarter than me here but it is still hard to not feel discouraged. I was also thinking today about how I really can't complain. I'm living the dream- or at least what I've always dreamed about and I know there are MANY people who would love to be in medical school (especially here). So I really can't complain about all the hard work or not having a life...this is the path I chose- more correctly the path God has placed in my heart. I need to enjoy it and I am. I'm enjoying learning all these new things (I just wish it was at a slower pace!!).

Well that's about all I have time for at the moment. Please keep checking back and I will update the blog as best as I can. I will not get to see most of you for a while since my exam schedule is pretty overwhelming (my first anatomy exam is the Friday after the missioners labor day retreat). I miss you all and am praying for you.

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