Friday, May 11, 2007

Aqui Estoy

I've decided to start a blog to keep everyone updated on the craziness that is my life these days. So I'll start with my return to the states.
I arrived in Baton Rouge at 10pm Tuesday night after a sad goodbye with Carol, Roger, Raul, Marissa, and Jimena (but complete with El Gozo del Senor in the airport) and a three hour delay at the gate in Teguc because the engine wasn't working right. I don't think I'll ever get used to being in airports again. Landing in Houston made me cry. Everyone running around on computers and cell phones. Everyone in a rush and looking so unhappy. Is this what we've really become as a culture? I can't lie...I don't want to be a part of it.
I honestly am doing okay...not great but okay. My first instinct was to get back on the next flight to Teguc but I know I'm where God is asking me to be. This move to virginia will make me stretch in ways I haven't stretched before. I know God is going before me and that I will continue to grow in discipline and holiness becasue of this transition. But at the same time I'm I keep repeating to myself..."Jesus, I trust in you and what you are doing in my life..." He's in control my job is to say "Yes Lord".
God is good and has been providing me with the support I need. Wednesday morning at mass I was praying for help and turned around and there was my spiritual director!! Praise the Lord for those random gifts of grace. I'm so grateful for the presence of Alyson and Britt here I know I'd be volviendo loca without them.
I'm only in Baton Rouge for a week before heading out to Virginia where the real test begins to live in the world and not be OF the world. Pray for me that I can continue to be uncomfortable and grow in this environment. God is in control!!!

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