Monday, May 14, 2007

fears / miedos

well I've been here for less than a week now...and haven't really ventured outside my comfort zone yet. This is easier than I thought it would be...I don't know if that's because I was here earlier this year or if God is giving me lots of grace...or if I'm reverting back to the materialistic person that I was before. I pray it's any one of the options except the third. I thought I would struggle more than this...I thought it would be harder...but maybe...I don't know. It's hard at moments...there are times I miss my community so much it hurts...but in part I think it still feels like a vacation and that I'm going to go back. I think the hard part is going to come when I start school again.
Yesterday we went to Beau Rivage for mothers day brunch (it's what my mom wanted to do) that was DEFINITELY overwhelming...and sad. All these people staring at machines trying to win more money...women in no clothing...ugh...definitely out of my element. I prayed a rosary in line and made it through. But such another example of extravagance and hopelessness in America. It was one of the saddest things I've seen in a long time...right up there with Houston International Airport.
But as always...God's grace is long as I stay in the palms of his wounded hands I will be fine.

bueno...he estado aqui por menos que una semana ya...y estoy un poco disilusionada. Yo pense que va a ser mas duro que esto...tengo miedo que no es tan duro porque estoy convertiendo a ser la mujer que era antes...y no quiero esto. Ojala no es tan duro porque no estoy saliendo de mi casa mucho estos dias...quiero luchar...quiero ser extrema...quiero ser una luz para Jesus. Tengo miedo de tantos cosas pero estoy dandoles a Dios...visitandolo en la santisima diaria...Ruegan por mi que Dios puede seguir dandome luchas y cosas para que no soy commoda. no quiero ser commoda...No se nada ahora...menos que extrano a Honduras mucho. Pero Dios me ha llamado aqui. La gracia de Dios esta aqui...y si quedo en las llagas de Jesus todo saldra bien...

todo saldra bien...
todo saldra bien...
en la paz del senor, saldra bien....saldra bien...

Les extrano MUCHISIMO!!! Son mi corazon todavia....

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