Monday, July 9, 2007

Failure is an opportunity for growth...right???

well I failed my final exam in Chemistry today...lowest grade of all of my exams and worth the most. Spent the last few hours crying and am struggling to remember why I'm here and seek God's grace and hand in all this. There is just such an atmosphere of competition...and failure. What am I doing here? why am I so stupid? Is this all just a cruel lesson in humility? I just want to go home... am going on a personal retreat with the trappists in Crozet for the next few days. Hopefully God will speak to me there...Pray for perseverance please...

St. Gianna pray for me...

bueno...fracase mi ultima examen de quimica hoy. My nota mas bajo de todos mis examenes y vale lo mas puntos de todos. Pase los ultimas horas llorando y luchando de recordar porque estoy aqui...y buscar la gracia de Dios y SU mano en todo de esto. Hay un ambiente de competicion tan fuerte...y yo no soy suficiente. Que estoy haciendo aqui? Porque soy tan tonta? Es posible todo esto es un lecion cruel en humildad? Solo quiero regresar a dias mas faciles...cuando me gusto mi misma mas. voy a un retiro personal con monjas por las proximas dias...tal vez Dios va a hablar con mi alla...Rezan para perseverancia porfavor.

Santa Gianna ruega por mi...

1 comment:

Marissa Morales said...

Right!! It is an opportunity for growth. And´s not failure if you manage to do better in the future. Trust me, I know...after starting studying Architecture for three years, 6 months of not knowing what to do, and then changing careers...I´m only 8 classes away to graduate of something I never thought I would do..Advertising!!!. Trust me, when you make a mistake, it´s an enormous blessing from God because he lets you fall down...just so you can get up again....You can do it. You have the strength..this is just a bump on the road. Love ya! Marissa.