Thursday, July 12, 2007

Paz...mas o menos...Peace, more or less

well...I went on a personal retreat with the trappist nuns in Crozet Tuesday and wednesday. it's amazing how GOD is SO good all the time. After not doing so well on my exam Monday I really needed the time to figure out why I was so upset...I didn't why did I feel like a failure. God really showed me my tendency to compare myself to others and to start counting on the world's opinion of me...,instead of trusting in HIS plan. It's amazing because there was a cancelation at the monastery (they only have 2 guest cabins) right before I called for the same night I wanted!!! God is SO good and is always preparing the way for me. So I had a few days of quiet and REST (I slept for 15 hours!!!) and more or less prayerful contemplation...and I finally arrived at peace...whatever my final grade was.

today we started Chem 142...YAY!! and I got my final grade for chem 141 and the lab. A- in both!!!!! Praise God...even when I perform poorly HE is faithful!!! But the best part was that I was prepared for worse and I had peace...knowing that His will is perfect.!!

Our lady of Peace...pray for US!!!!

Bueno...fue a las monjas trappistas en Crozet por un retiro personal. Dios me monstro como estoy cayendo en los metas y retos del mundo...teniendo mas confianza en sus tamanos y ideas de exito que en los de EL. Yo tenia muchos cosas sobre que necesicitaba rezar. Despues de hacer menos que perfecto en mi examen final yo necesicite un descanso. Es otro ejemplo de como Dios esta haciendo el camino enfrente de mi...habia un cancelacion con las monjas dias antes por el mismo dia que yo quise ir. Dios sabia (claro) que yo voy a necesicitar el tiempo en silencio. Entonces yo fue...yo dormi MUCHISIMO (15 horas) y reze...yo llegue con paz en mi corazon no importa las resultados de mis notas.

hoy empezamos Quimica 142...y yo recibi mis notas por quimica 141 y el laboratorio...A- en los dos!!! ALABENLO!!! Cuando yo estoy hacindo bien mal...EL es fiel!! El parte mejor fue que yo estaba lista con paz no importa los resultados...sabiendo que el voluntad de EL es perfecto!

Nuestra Senora de la Paz...Ruega por nosotros!!

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