Monday, July 30, 2007

Growing in Grace...creciendo en Gracia...and I don't mean in a good way!

well the year is winding down...had my second exam last one next monday and my final on Wednesday. I'm ready to go to Honduras...I need to recharge my batteries and remember why I'm here in the first place...
on a scary note...
while in Honduras I learned about a group called "growing in grace" (creciendo en gracia) They're a frightening group that follows a wealthy man from Puerto Rico who claims to be the anti-christ. I don't know too much but they do things like tatoo 666 on their hands and forheads in green...they are growing sadly enough...they believe many things but from what I've heard...that the letters from St. paul ARE their bible...(negating EVERYTHING else) and that what we do on earth doesn't impact our soul (ie. you can kill anyone you want and it doesn't matter). We met with these people a few times in Honduras and I was always a little scared...
SO the other day I'm on the trolley in Cville with 2 friends and we're talking and a sketchy looking man starts trying to talk with us. He then proceeds to try and give my friend Ashley a cross necklace...she really doesn't want to take it but finally gives this point is when I notice the 666 tattooed on his hand in green...he was part of creciendo en gracia...growing in grace. Which would explain the freaky vibe I got from him...I at this point grabbed my rosary (which thank God is always in my pocket) and started to pray for protection for us and conversion for him. He got off the trolley before us...needless to say Ashley discarded the necklace. I was very startled to see someone from creciendo en gracia in charlottesville...just goes to show how much more we need to pray for the conversion of sinners.

bueno..rusemen...en el bus el otro dia con mis amigas...un hombre empezo hablar con nosotras y intento dar una cadena a mi amiga...en este momento yo vi en su mano en verde un tatuaje de 666!! creciendo en gracia...en este momento yo aggare mi rosaro en mi bolsa y empeze rezar para nosotras y para el tambien. Mi amiga boto la cadena y no habia problemas...nada...pero me asuste de verlo...y recorde de la necesicidad en oracion. Bueno...casi estoy termindada con mis estudios del verano...gracias a dios...vamos a ver que va a pasar!


Unknown said...

Is this the same group from Florida where their leader clames to be Jesus Christ?

Jennifer Perone said...

yup tony...the same...