Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Just recieved news from my mother that my parents got an emergent call last night. my grandfather has fallen and broken his hip. he went into surgery today, he also has metastatic bone cancer...it has spread even farther. Things are very uncertain as for his recovery and where he will have to go depending on what happens. please pray!! My father has flown to Ohio today and will be facing many difficult decisions in the next few days as my grandfathers medical proxy...he will also have to tell my grandmother about my grandfather's cancer because my grandpa never wanted her to know.
Please, please, please pray. My grandparents are wonderful people but so unsure of the truth. They have practiced the catholic faith for 90something years now but aren't sure of Jesus as the living truth. Pray for them to recieve the peace they need, the peace from the blessed mother, and the peace from Christ. To KNOW with all that is in them, that He is real, that HE exists, and that death is nothing to fear. I will do my best to keep you all updated. Thanks!

Porfavor, reza!! Mis padres recibieron una llamada anoche diciendo que mi abuelo se cayo y se rompio su cadera (?)- la parte de su pierna. Bueno, tambien el tiene cancer y ha extendido a otros partes de su cuerpo. Mi abuelo entro cirguia hoy y mi papa volo a Ohio este manana. Por favor, reza. mi padre tiene muchos decisiones de hacer en estos dias, como lo abagado o encargado de mis abuelos. Reza que el puede tener la sabiduria que necesicita. Tambien, el tiene que decir a mi abuela sobre el cancer de mi abuelo, porque mi abuelo no quiso para ella saber. No sabemos que va a pasar...reza por favor!!
Mis abuelos son buena gente. Han practicado la fe catolica para mas que 90 anos. Pero no conocen Jesus como una persona real. En estos anos mas cerca a la muerte mis abuelos han tendido dudas sobre la realidad de los cielos, sobre Jesus. Reza que ellos pueded SABER y CONOCER el amor y realidad de Jesus, y su santa Madre. Que pueden creer el la misericordia de Dios, que El existe, y no hay nada de tener miedo de la muerte. Voy a tratar de darles mas informacion cuando tengo. Gracias!!

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