Friday, November 16, 2007

Thomas Alfred Perone

Just to update everyone, my gradfather passed away last night. with my father at his side and his rosary in his hand. My mother told me that my prayers were answered, that he died in peace. I'm flying to Ohio tomorrow for the funeral on Monday. Please continue to keep my family and the soul of my grandfather in your prayers. His name was Thomas Alfred Perone....Thanks!

Para que sepan, mi abuelo se murio anoche. Mi padre estuvo con el, y el se murio con su rosario en su mano. Mi mama me dijo que mis oraciones fueron contestado, que el se murio en paz. Voy por ohio manana y el eternamiento es Lunes. Por favor, siguen rezando para mi familia y el alma de mi abuelo, se llamaba Thomas Alfred Perone. Gracias!

1 comment:

The Stengel Crew said...

Your grandfather is now in heaven in Peace. Please tell you parents that we are praying.
God Bless!