Tuesday, April 15, 2008


I was tagged by Michelle for this meme...and it's a happy one...so here goes..

Fun Meme

Rules of the meme:
1. Post these rules of the game first.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names. Then the tagger goes to the blogs of those who have been tagged & leaves a comment letting new players know they’ve been tagged. The tagger asks them to find the meme and instructions back at his/her blog.

What I was doing 10 years ago:
10 years ago I was 14, almost fifteen...I would have been finishing my freshmen year in highschool. Right about this time I had just been chosen to be on the dance team and was preparing to finish classes and spending all day preparing for UDA camp over the summer. Other than that I really have no idea!! oh, and I was preparing to go to the Catholic Leadership Institute at Notre Dame over the summer. That's how I got involved with Diocesan Youth Board...I traveled a lot that summer I just don't remember what all I did.

Five things on my To Do List today:
1) read physics chapter on realtivity to prepare for the quiz I have in 2 hours
2) read physics chapter on atomic spectra to prepare for lab tonight
3) say the rosary/ pray
4) study for my organic chemistry exam
5) read about dissecting sheep hearts for lab tomorrow

Five things I would do if I were a billionaire:
1) finish builidng the missioners house in Honduras
2) tithe a lot of money to the church
3) invest
4) buy a house and some land and help daniel and michelle with the catholic couples community
5) support catholic missionaries, and the work of the church everywhere (ie. donate to homeless shelters, schools, etc) Whatever would help the poor the most...

sorry that's not a very good answer but I'm not a billionaire so it's hard for me to say

Three of my bad habits:
1) procrastinating
2) impatience and sarcasm
3) lack of prayer

Five places I have lived:
1) Honolulu, HI- II was born there and lived there for 3 years
2) Baton Rouge, LA- grew up there
3) Boston, MA- went to college there (wooohoo Go EAGLES)
4) Comayagua, Honduras- Catholic missionary there for 2 years
5) Charlottesville, VA- grad school here right now...

Five jobs I’ve had:
so technically I've never had a job because I never get paid for the things I do...but I'll put down some volunteer stuff
1). Catholic missionary in Honduras with Missioners of Christ
2) Children's Special Health Services- worked with the medicare clinic and help do intakes with patients, followed doctors around, pretended to be a med student
3) Assistant at my mom's office in high school- did weighing and measuring, and blood pressures on patients, filed charts, etc
4) Campus School Volunteers, Special Events chair- organized parties for special needs kids...I must say I did a rockin' good job too!!
5) babysitter...still do it...actually get paid for this one...and I LOVE IT!! :)

okay...I don't really have anyone to tag b/c I don't know anyone who michelle didn't already tag...so sorry the meme stops here!

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