Tuesday, April 22, 2008

quote for my life right now...cita para mi vida

"One thing Jesus asks of me: that I lean on him; that in him and only in him I put complete trust; that I surrender myself to him unreservedly. Even when all goes wrong and I feel as if I am a ship without a compass, I must give myself completely to him. I must not attempt to control God's action; I must not count the stages in the journey he would have me make. I must not desire a clear perception of my advance upon the road, must not know precisely where I am upon the way of holiness. I ask him to make a saint of me, yet I must leave to him the choice of the saintliness itself and still more the means which leads to it."
-Bl. Teresa of Calcutta

I remind myself of this daily...I beg for holiness but must allow Him to do as He wills. Jesus...I trust in YOU!!

"Una cosa Jesus pregunta de mi: que enclino en El; que el El y solo en El pongo todo mi confianza; que entrego mi misma a El sin reservaciones. Incluso cuando va todo mal y siento como soy barca sin compas, tengo que dar mi misma completamente a El. No puedo intentar controllar los acciones de Dios; yo puedo contar los nieveles de jornada El hizo que tomara. Yo no puedo desear una percepcion claro de mi avance en el camino, no puedo saber precisamente donde estoy en el camino de la santidad. Yo lo pregunto de hacerme una santa, pero tengo que dejarLo de elegir el typo de santidad y ademas, lo camino que me guia a la santidad." - Beata Madre Teresa

no se si la traduccion es correcto pero trato!!

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