Sunday, July 15, 2007

Tony and Mandy's Wedding

Here's one more picture that was just sent to me by Pat's girlfriend Rebecca...All the previous Honduras long term volunteers that were there. (L to R) Clare Jester, Tony Lashon (the groom), Patrick Gallic, and ME!! If anyone else doesn't recognize Pat Gallic that's okay...I didn't either.
Aqui es una foto mas de la boda...los voluntarios de largo tiempo de Honduras...clara, tony, patricio, y Yo.

went to Tony and mandy's wedding yesterday...all I can say is BEAUTIFUL!! It was a wonderful wedding...their love is tangible. Many missioners were there (including Pat and Clare from 1st generation long term volunteers), Tom and kelli, Marylee, Charice, Mario, Josh, Gidget and Terry, Stefano and Laurie, Bob and Diane, Dave, and many more. It was just a great opportunity to celebrate their love with them and have a good time. I've attached a few pictures of the happy couple...I'll add more when I get a chance.

Fue a la boda de tony ayer...fue bien linda. El amor entre ellos es incridible...gracias a dios! Tambien fue excelente de hablar con patricio y clara y muchos otros misioneros.

voy a poner mas fotos cuando tengo.

1 comment:

The Stengel Crew said...

Was Tony wearing flipflops all the time?