Wednesday, January 30, 2008

emptying purgatory for lent

so I got this great idea from facebook about one of the things to do during lent. Here's that the facebook group founder has said about it:

The main prayer said in the chaplet (said 50 times) was given to Saint Gertrude by our Lord with the promise that every time it was recited 1000 souls would be released from Purgatory. So praying the chaplet will release 50,000 souls! And if you prayed this chaplet for the 40 days of lent (Sundays will be optional but encouraged) then you will release TWO MILLION souls from Purgatory!!! Imagine if just a few of use got together to do this how many souls we could release into Heaven!


Reasons to do this:

1. Our Lady has asked us to pray for the poor souls in purgatory many times. This was especially clear in her message at Fatima.

2. All of the souls that are released through our prayers or by having Masses said for them are then Saints in Heaven who are immediately extremely powerful advocates for us now and especially at the hour of our death.

3. Our Lord commanded us to love one another. We can do no less charitable thing than to pray for those poor souls in purgatory who can do nothing for themselves.

4. It is more efficacious to pray for the poor souls in purgatory than even to pray for the lowliest sinners here on earth.

5. This chaplet was championed by many great Saints including a Doctor of the Church: Saint Alphonsus Liguouri.

so here's the chaplet if anyone is interested!!


Our Lord told St. Gertrude the Great that the following prayer would release 1,000 Souls from Purgatory each time it is said. The prayer was later extended to includeliving sinners as well.

"ETERNAL FATHER, I OFFER THEE THE MOST PRECIOUS BLOOD OF THY DIVINE SON, JESUS, IN UNION WITH THE MASSES SAID THROUGHOUT THE WORLD TODAY, FOR ALL THE HOLY SOULS IN PURGATORY, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal Church, those in my own home and within my family. Amen."

[In one Rosary or chaplet this prayer is said 50 times!]Say this chaplet using regular Rosary beads. Begin with the Apostles' Creed, one Our Father, three Hail Marys and a Glory Be to the Father just as with Our Lady's Rosary.

On the five decades, say the above Prayer for the Holy souls on each Hail Mary bead and the Our Father on each separator bead between the decades.


Optional Prayers to add to the recitation of the Chaplet-

To be said after each decade...

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, open the hearts and minds of sinners to the truth and light of God, the Father.Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for the conversion of sinners and the world."

Glory be...

"To be said at the end of each Chaplet...

THANKSGIVING FOR GRACES BESTOWED ON ST. GERTRUDEO most sweet Lord Jesus Christ, I praise, extol and bless Thee, in union with that Heavenly praise which the Divine Persons of the Most Holy trinity mutually render to Each other, and which thence flows down upon Thy Sacred Humanity, upon the Blessed Virgin Mary and upon all the Angels and Saints. And I give Thee thanks for all the graces Thou didst lavish upon Thy beloved spouse, St. Gertrude. I thank Thee especially for that ineffable love wherewith Thou didst pre-elect her from all eternity, didst enrich her so highly, didst draw her so sweetly to Thyself by the strongest bonds of love, didst unite her so blissfully to Thyself, dwell with such delight in her heart, and crown her life with so blessed an end. I recall to Thee now, O most compassionate Jesus, the promise Thou didst make to Thy beloved spouse, that Thou wouldst most assuredly grant the prayers of all who come to Thee through her merits and intercession, in all matters concerning their salvation. I beseech Thee, by Thy most tender love, grant me the grace . . . [mention it] which I confidently expect. Amen.

let's empty purgatory!!! Seamos santos!!

"If it were but known how great is the power of the good souls in Purgatory with the Heart of God, and if we knew all the graces we can obtain through their intercession, they would not be so much forgotten. We must, therefore, pray much for them, that they may pray much for us." --- St. John Vianney

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Just a few thoughts...algunas pensiamentos

So I know I've been posting a lot hasn't really picked up yet so I still have the time. I was reading one of the missioners in Honduras blogs' this morning...and it hurt. There is still such a large part of my soul that misses and yearns for that life again. That yearns for the simple life with the simple, beautiful people of Honduras. Don't get me those of you who spoke to and lived with me in Honduras know, things were hard there and I was challenged in SO many ways. But man, was there JOY!! There were so many graces, and every day was a new adventure. I felt like I was DOING something with my life. And I think that's the problem right now....I"m not giving to anyone...I'm not really DOING anything but studying right now. I know that's my vocation and I know it's what I'm supposed to be doing. But it's hard...I miss feeling productive and like I'm giving something back. It was really easy to see at the end of the day in Honduras that you had done something...even if it was just clean the house, or visit the elderly. God was SO clear in the work that we were doing. Here...well here He's much more abstract. It takes effort to see Him in Physics or O-chem. But I'm trying.
I'm still in love with my work...I spent all afternoon yesterday again shadowing the amazing Catholic doctor here in town. I'm most happy when I'm there. To know how weird I I was driving home at 6pm I wanted to stop by the hospital for more shadowing...and the sad part was because I didn't have anything else to do. I see now how doctors become work -a holics. You study so hard that medicine and the hospital become your life...and then when the studying is over you don't have anything else because you've given it all up to become a then being a doctor is your life. I wanted to stay at the hospital last night because I didn't have anywhere else to go but home to my empty apartment. That's why I miss Honduras...there was always someone around...always Jesus or something else...But...I still love hospitals...and I know now more than ever that this is my vocation. I just have to continue to trust in the Lord that He will bring me back to Honduras when it is time...and until it is time I have to continue to offer up my sadness at not being there and pray that He will give me the grace to find a balance between work and life.
May the Lord bless us and give us strength today and may we remember always to pray for the missions...the people who are doing what the rest of us can only dream about doing! que estoy escribiendo mucho en mi blog estos dias...mis estudios son pocos ahorita y tengo el tiempo. Estaba leyendo el blog de uno de los misioneros en Honduras este manana ...y duele en mi corazon. Hay un parte gigante todavia que quiere estar en Honduras. Mi alma hace falta esta vida...esta trabajo. Que queire estar de nuevo con la gente de Honduras. Entienden bien...los quien estaba con migo en Honduras saben...habian muchos dificultades para mi alla y yo fue cambiado en muchas maneras. Pero habia GOZO en abundancia!! Habia gracia y cada dia fue un adventura nueva. Senti como estaba HACIENDO algo. Y creo es el problema siento que estoy haciendo nada menos estoy dando mi misma a nadie. Y se que es mi vocacion ahora de estudiar pero duele y es duro. Me hace falta sentir como hize algo durante el dia. En Honduras fue facil de ver que hize durante el dia, muchas vezes fue algo bien facil como limpiar la casa o visita los viejos. Dios fue CLARO en el trabajo que tuvimos. Es tan mas duro de verlo en quimica organica o fisica. Pero estoy tratando.
Todavia estoy enamorado con mi trabajo. Fue de nuevo ayer para seguir con la doctora catolica aqui y encanto el trabajo y mis companeros de trabajo alla. Son bendiciones de Dios! (y ayer yo traduje para un pareja de Mexico...malisimo...van a reir uds. cuando regresara a Honduras porque casi no puedo hablar ya! lo siento) Estoy lo mas feliz cuando estoy en la clinica o el hospital es como tengo una vida real. Estoy es que extrano soy yo...cuando estaba manejando a mi casa anoche como a las 6 pase por el hospital y quise entrara y seguir trabajando alla (no tengo un trabajo alla). El parte triste es que yo quise hacer esto porque no tenia nada mejor de hacer anoche! Ya entiendo como los doctores cayen en el rythmo de trabajar demasiado...durante de sus estudios medicina y el hospital son su vida...y despues cuando son doctores se dan cuenta que han dejado todo para ser doctor que ya no tengan nada menos el hosptial y el trabajo. Y ser doctor ya es su vida. Yo no quise salir del hospital anoche porque trabajar parecia mejor de regresar a mi apartamento sola sin nadie. Esto es porque me hace falta Honduras...siempre habian alguien alla en la casa. Pero encanto mi trabajo todavia...encanto los hospitales...y se mas que nunca que ser doctora es mi vocacion. Solo tengo que rezar para un balancia en mi vida. Y tengo que confiar en Dios que cuando es el tiempo El va a llevarme de nuevo a Honduras. Y hasta esta momento tengo que seguir ofreciendolo para arriba mi tristeza de no estar en Honduras con uds.!
Que Dios nos bendiga y nos da la fuerza de seguir hoy. Y que podemos recordar de rezar para los misiones...para la gente que estan haciendo lo que los demas de nosotros solo podemos sonar de hacer!!

Friday, January 25, 2008

photos of my Uncles Wedding/ fotos de la boda de mi tio

my uncle, his wife Jerri, and her son
mi tio, su esposa nueva Jerri, y su hijo (mi primo nuevo)

my cousins and I with our grandfather

mis primas y yo con nuestra abuelo

my uncle, his wife Jerri, and my aunt (the pastor)

mi tio, su esposa Jerri, my mi tia (el pastor que hizo la boda)

Monday, January 21, 2008

Prayer Request....Les Pido por Oraciones

My dear friends...I took an MCAT diagnostic test last week and just got my score back. I completely bombed it!! So I have spent the last few days freaking out. The good news is, thinking about not getting a good enough score to get into medical school has helped me realize just how much I want to go to medical school. I feel like this desire is again confirming my vocation to medicine. That being said...wanting it so badly is freaking me out even more. To get a decent score I need to at least DOUBLE my diagnostic score. So I come before you begging for your prayers. I take the MCAT on May 31st and I beg that you help me storm the gates of heaven with prayers. I know this might seem foolish to most of's not like I'm dying or anything...but this is the only thing (other than serve God) that I want to do with my life. Please, please, please pray that I can be disciplined in my studies this semster and do well on the MCAT in May.
Praise God in ALL things!!

solo...recibi los resultados de mi diagnostica para mi examen de entrada a la Universidad de Medicina...y completamente fracaso. Para entrar necesicito ganar mas que doble lo que gane en mi practica. Les escribo de POR FAVOR rezan que puedo ganar mucho en el MCAT. Atravez de mi miedo sobre mis notas me di cuenta de mi deseo todavia de ser doctora. Por favor, ayudame y rezar que puedo tener exito en mi examen es le 31 de mayo. Se que no es como vida y muerte...pero sus oraciones son mi vocacion de ser doctora...ayudame de pedir a Dios. por favor, rezan que puedo tener disciplina en mis estudios este semestre y salir con exito en el MCAT en mayo.

Alabemos a Dios en TODAS las cosas!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


today was a new day...and the first day of classes. As always I am already overwhelmed by the amount of work that I will have before me this semester. But as my therapist suggested I made a schedule and realized that if I utilize my time wisely there will be time for all things. Please pray that I will utilize my time wisely.
Instead of getting freaked out I started back up today with my wednesday babysitting of the most adorable 10month old baby ever (other than the Hinckley kids of course...) John Paul. Today JP and I went for a walk and he was great for the first 10 minutes and proceeded to scream for the next 15 minutes. I held him in his snuggley close to my chest and just let him cry because it was time for his nap and he was exhausted. Then a miraculous thing happened...he fell asleep. I continued to walk with him, just enjoying the feeling of having a baby in my arms. We went to the stations of the cross outside church where I prayed my rosary...all the while him sleeping quietly in my arms. then when he was still asleep after 3o minutes we went to adoration. There I sat completely blissful...Jesus in front of me and a sleeping baby. Every once in a while he would make the cutest baby noises (sighs...snoring...sucking on his pacifier, etc). And I continue to be astonished by the beauty in small things...I recieved SO much joy from just holding him for a few hours (and yet still rejoiced when I got to give him back to his mother;) ). Praise God for babies and the source of strength!!

solo dije que hoy fue mi primer dia de clases...estoy un poco estressado ya pero se que si uso mi tiempo bueno puedo hacer todo. Rezan por favor que puedo usar mi tiempo bien. Tambien hoy fui a seguir con mi actividad de los miercoles...cuidando un bebe de 10 meses quien se llama Juan Pablo (no es Juan Pablo Hinckley porsupuesto). Hoy fuimos a caminar, chinandolo en mis brazos. El fue excelente por los primeros 1o minutos, lloro y grito por los proximos 15 minutos (de sueno- fue tiempo para su descanso), y despues...un milagro...el dormio en mis brazos. Siguemos caminando por un rato y despues fuimos a los estaciones de la cruz afuera de mi iglesia. Yo sente alla por como 20 minutos con el dormido en mis brazos. Que paz y tranquilidad. Despues fuimos a adoracion. Yo estaba pensando hoy en adoracion que perfecto fue el momento. Jesus en frente de me, un bebe en mis brazos (quien estaba haciendo ruidos tan preciosos en sus suenos) y todo en paz. Yo sigo ser asustado de la belleza en las cosas chiquitos. Yo recibi tanto alegria solo de chiniarlo por algunas horas...(y tambien de regresarlo a su madre en el fin de dia ;) ) Alabemos a Dios por las cosas chiquitas como bebe's y sonrisas...y las cosas grandes...como Jesus en la eucaristia!!!

Monday, January 14, 2008

joyful occasions/cosas gozosos EN ESPANOL!!

bueno...un amigo me corrigio para no escribir mi blog en espanol (lo siento raul yo pense que nadie estaba leyendolo)

Bueno...fui a Nebraska para la boda de mi tio este fin de semana pasado. El tiene 53 anos y nunca estababa casado antes. Mi tia nueva (jerri) fue la novia de el en universidad. Ella se caso con otro hombre pero de repente divorciaron. Los dos fueron solteros por muchos anos esperando a Dios de llevar su match de alma (no se como se dice "soul mate"). Entonces, este fin de semana reunimos en el campamiento de iglesia Baptista (si mi familia son protestantes) para celebrar el tiempo perfecto de Dios. Durante del ceremonio yo estaba pensando muchas cosas aqui son algunos:

1. Yo no puedo esperar de casarme (bueno...puedo y voy a hacerlo)
Dios esta confirmando en muchas maneras durante estos semanas, meses, y anos pasados mi vocacion al matromonio. Yo estoy en un lugar donde puedo ver la belleza y tengo el deseo de ser completamente de Dios. Puedo ver una vida religiosa y tambien puedo ver la vida soltera como misionera, y tambien puedo ver una vida familiar. Y ya solo quiero hacer que Dios quiere....y creo es casarme.
Pero, tambien, este fin de semana fue sobre entiendo el tiempo perfecto de Dios. Se que ahora no es el tiempo para mi de casarme. Voy a entrar universidad de medicina, ahora no es el tiempo para entrar en el matromonio. Pero, es el tiempo de permitir a Dios de formarme como mujer, futura esposa y madre que EL quiere para me de ser. Hoy es el momento de preparacion para mi vocacion. Por favor, siguen rezando para mi, mi vocacion, y mi esposo futuro quienquieria el puede ser.

2. Encanto ser Catolica!
Mi tia Sandi es un pastor baptista...y ella hizo un buen trabajo en el servicio pero para como no son casados porque no habia una misa, no habia JESUS en la eucaristia!! Sigo rezando para la conversion de mi familia a la fe catolico!!

3. Voy a ser doctora!!
Esta piensamiento fue claro para mi todo este fin de (y probablemente uds. tambien) que este semestre no fue facile para mi. Pero la verdad es que estes cosas que estoy estudiando es el parte gozozo. Nadie le gusta este duro con mucho estress. Pero, menos el estress y el sentido que todo mi futuro esta en los manos de mis notas de este ano...a mi me gusta que estoy estudiando. Me encanta medicina, y hospitales, y ser doctora. Es facile de querer una vida mas simple y facile, que no es llena de luchas...pero Dios no me ha llamado a una vida como esto. Todos luchamos, solo en maneras diferentes. La unica profesion (menos esposa y madre) que quiero es de ser doctora. Y si Dios a pasar en estos anos. Solo tengo que sobrevivr los proximos 5 meses.

4. Mi vida esta llena de sacrificios pequenos que debo ofrecer.
me di cuenta en estes semanas pasados que tengo mucho de ofrecer a Dios. No son grandes como enfermedades, etc. son pequenos pero creo poderosos por la salvacion de almas. En vez de quejarme sobre mi estress o mis examenes, debo ofrecerles para mi familia, las rosas de maria, los misioneros, etc. Para mi, de no entrar en mi vocacion al matromonio ahora es un sacrificio...ofrezcalo para arriba (no se como se dice "offer it up"). De no vivir en Honduras es un sacrificio...ofrezcalo para arriba!!!! Como santa teresita creo que mi camino hacia la santidad seria una de sacrificios pequenos...

Bueno...entonces, empiezo este semestre renovado en mi animo...con miedo cuando veo tamano de los problemas y projectos pero con la piensamiento en mi mente y alma que la lucha no es mio...Dios esta conmigo y EL va a luchar para mi. Solo tengo que tratar mi mejor y confiar en El. Por favor, rezan para mi y mis estudios. Y Ustedes estan en mis oraciones...ten paciencia con mi espanol se que estoy perdiendo mucho pero estoy tratando. Ojala voy a tomar un clase de espanol este semestre tambien. Rezan para que puedo ofrecer mis sufrimientos y sacrificios pequenos cada dia por la salvacion del almas. Rezan para mi hermana...el diablo esta luchando fuerte para ella...y por todo de mi familia. Les quiero!!!



Sunday, January 13, 2008

joyful occasions/ cosas gozosos

I just flew to Omaha Nebraska this weekend for my uncle's wedding. He's 53 and has never been married before. My new Aunt Jerri and he had dated in college but had separated, she got married and then divorced a few years later. They've both been single for a long time and waiting on God to bring them their soul mate. So this weekend we met at the American Baptist camp in Omaha (yes, my family is baptist) to celebrate God's perfect timing.
As I sat there, listening to "God blessed the broken road that led me straight to you" sobbing (of course) there were a few thoughts running through my head:

1) I can't wait to get married.
God has continually been confirming my vocation to marriage over the last few weeks and months. Getting to the point (where I'm still at I believe) of loving religious life and feeling called to serve God with all I have...the point of really not caring one way or the other. Once I reached this point...He keeps confirming in my heart, my prayers, and my discernment- my vocation to marriage.
That being said, this weekend was also about understanding and waiting for God's perfect time. Now is NOT the time for me to get married. I'm about to start med school for crying out loud. That being said, it is the time to continue to allow God to mold me into the woman HE wants me to be so I can be the best wife, and mother possible. Please continue to pray for me and my vocational discernment...and my future spouse whoever he may be.

2) I love being Catholic.
My Aunt Sandi is a Baptist minister and she did a wonderful job with the ceremony...but to me it almost feels like they're not really married because there was no Eucharist. But it was still beautiful...but I still LOVE BEING CATHOLIC...
in aunt even talked about the sacrament of marriage and gave a shout out to me and my parents (the only catholics there) saying something along the lines of "we protestants don't believe in sacraments, but if we were going to marriage would be it..."

3) I'm going to be a doctor!!
That thought was very clear to me all weekend, and really over this past week. I know (as do most of you) that this year has not been easy for me. This is the crappy part that's hard...but I DO love medicine. I shadowed a friend of mine who is a doctor last weekend and loved it. I love medicine and other than being a wife and a mother, there is nothing I want to do more.
It was also really exciting this weekend to visit University of Nebraska medical school (my mom's alumni) and Creighton University (my second choice med school). To see that in truth, God willing, I will be a medical student someday soon. I just have to survive the next 5 months.

4) My life is full of small sacrifices that I need to learn to offer up (this was a weekend revelation not just a wedding one)
I realized (esp when talking with my mother) that I need to learn to keep offering up small things for the salvation of souls. Instead of complaining about my stress or my grades I need to offer it up. For me, not being married right now is a sacrifice, OFFER IT UP! Not being in Honduras is a HUGE sacrifice...Offer it UP!! I think there's nothing good that I can be doing these days but there is...I can be growing in holiness and offering up my small sufferings for the people I love most.

So here goes nothing....I begin this semester rejuvenated and still daunted at the size of the task but reminded by God that it is HIS battle and not mine. Please continue to pray that I can be successful in my studies and can continue to offer up my daily sufferings (however small they may be) I ask for your prayers for my sister and my family as we continue to grow closer to God in this new year!!



Monday, January 7, 2008


A good friend of mine just informed me that I sound depressed in my blogs. Forgive me for that! I should be able to find joy in all things, and I do. The truth is that I usually blog when I've hit the point of not having anywhere else to put my emotions. I'm doing well. I'm struggling and working hard, and somedays I don't know if I can do this. Honestly, I know I can't do this...but GOD can.
I spent this last weekend shadowing a friend of mine, and confirming my vocation again, not only to marriage and family, but also to medicine. I do love medicine and the practice of it. The only thing that concerns me is if it will hinder my vocation to marriage, but seeing as how God has not given me a spouse yet, I shouldn't concern myself with it. But be assured, I still love what I'm doing, and remind me of that please when I'm discouraged. This is God's calling for my life and I will continue in Joy to complete it. Please continue to pray for me as I do for all of you! God be with you all!