Monday, January 7, 2008


A good friend of mine just informed me that I sound depressed in my blogs. Forgive me for that! I should be able to find joy in all things, and I do. The truth is that I usually blog when I've hit the point of not having anywhere else to put my emotions. I'm doing well. I'm struggling and working hard, and somedays I don't know if I can do this. Honestly, I know I can't do this...but GOD can.
I spent this last weekend shadowing a friend of mine, and confirming my vocation again, not only to marriage and family, but also to medicine. I do love medicine and the practice of it. The only thing that concerns me is if it will hinder my vocation to marriage, but seeing as how God has not given me a spouse yet, I shouldn't concern myself with it. But be assured, I still love what I'm doing, and remind me of that please when I'm discouraged. This is God's calling for my life and I will continue in Joy to complete it. Please continue to pray for me as I do for all of you! God be with you all!

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